Embedded design and the environmental masterplan
The 'environmental masterplan' is the output of the approach we take to integrate environmental requirements into masterplans. We put ourselves and therefore environmental matters at the heart of the design process. Our priority is to support designers in embedding environmental measures into proposals and we seek to ensure development can occur, while having positive benefits on the environment. Our focus is less about mitigation, although inevitably that is a tool we sometimes use, and more about creating an enhanced environment particularly through the provision of high-quality green and blue infrastructure. Key design services we offer relate to the following:
particularly habitat creation and enhancement, including for protected species
including the design of hard and soft outdoor spaces and routes to improve health and wellbeing
Planting design
to create beautiful places for people and high-quality habitats for wildlife, including important species
Sustainable drainage and flood measures
including Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) and other natural flood attenuation features
River and other water course enhancement
including particularly re-naturalisation of watercourses and waterbodies
Soundscape design
the use of natural and semi-natural landscape features to reduce noise effects or improve the perception of noise
Air quality
the planting of vegetation to trap particulates or to screen sensitive receptors from sources of polluting activities
Green buildings
such as green and brown roofs or green walls
Environmental Masterplan
Logika believes embedding environmental and sustainability solutions into masterplanning, engineering and architecture is as important as ensuring that utilities, roads or buildings are included. Like these, environment is therefore a key ‘layer’ in development design.
Environmental Masterplan
Logika believes embedding environmental and sustainability solutions into masterplanning, engineering and architecture is as important as ensuring that utilities, roads or buildings are included. Like these, environment is therefore a key ‘layer’ in development design.
Press ‘PLAY’ below to see the layers build.
Noise attenuation features and soundscape design
Attractive recreational spaces and routes to encourage healthy lifestyles
Noise mitigation and carbon sequestration strategies
Ecological habitat protection and enhancement
River restoration and flood mitigation
Input to road and bridge designs to minimise impact on people and wildlife
Community green spaces, play areas and food growing
Urban green space designed as city ‘lungs’ and stepping stone habitats
Green roofs and walls for health and wellbeing, ecological and air quality benefits
Public realm designed to minimise public exposure to particulates
Noise attenuation features and soundscape design
Attractive recreational spaces and routes to encourage healthy lifestyles
Noise mitigation and carbon sequestration strategies
Ecological habitat protection and enhancement
River restoration and flood mitigation
Input to road and bridge designs to minimise impact on people and wildlife
Community green spaces, play areas and food growing
Urban green space designed as city ‘lungs’ and stepping stone habitats
Green roofs and walls for health and wellbeing, ecological and air quality benefits
Public realm designed to minimise public exposure to particulates